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Connecticut ZREC/LRECs

Connecticut ZREC/LRECs


Renewable energy projects such as solar, wind and some waste-to-energy projects are eligible to bid for 15 year annual operating subsidy contracts provide throught the Low/Zero Renewable Energy Credit program (LREC/ZREC).


The small ZREC program for solar and wind projects less than 100 kW is distributed through a lottery system held twice per year from 2012 through 2016.  MSL Group, Inc. has successfully helped clients in the first small ZREC round to win 15 year subsidies.


The large ZREC/LREC program for solar, wind and low-emission projects are put out to bid twice per year.


We are recommending that clients first utilize C-PACE financing to fund project costs and then place bids for ZRECs each round until they win.  Any system installed after 2011 is eligible for subsidies for the next four years of ZREC bidding.


Contact MSL Group, Inc. today for a no-obligation assessment of your proposed renewable energy project.